Monday, November 22, 2010

Philippine Retirement - How to Live Like a King on $1000 Per Month

Many Americans dream of retiring in a tropical paradise, but few ever take the plunge. Either they settle in a stale marriage, they feel to comfortable or they didn't make as much money as the think they would need. I am here to tell you otherwise - that you can throw your excuses out the window and start making your dreams come true.

What does living like a king mean to me?

One man's king is another man's pauper of course. I feel like I am living like a king here in the Philippines for several reasons and not all are about what I can buy, but it sure helps.

Back in the states I was a 57 year old man with an alimony, two grown kids and I felt old. And I was treated like I was old. No one smiled at me and I guess not many people really gave a damn. Dating meant taking out divorced middle aged women, who were always complaining about men, despite having let themselves go. Needless to say, I did not enjoy my life. I am telling you this, because I think - no - I KNOW that there are many other guys like me.

Compared to the Philippines, the US seems cold. There is very little empathy and concern for others. What's worse is the discrimination based on age. It's like we as men are expected to either be content dating women who are divorced or settle for celibacy.

Not so here in the Philippines. My wife is 23 years younger than me at 34 and I feel like a young man. I wake up every day with her beside me, go downstairs to eat breakfast, prepared by my maid and then I try to spend a few minutes thinking about how lucky I am to have this life.

I want you to think about this also. Are you happy with your life now? Be honest? I want you to know that there is another option.

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