Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Seasonal Depression Disorder - 3 tips to banish the winter blues

For many people get the winter months can cause attacks of seasonal depression disorder. You can not change the weather or climate, but you can see some measures to mitigate the bleak winter blues.

Even seasonal affective disorder or SAD is unknown, the winter blues can affect people in varying degrees. Some people feel just mind the symptoms of depression, for others, SAD may require extreme enough for hospitalization.

And in a number of people in seasonaffective disorder does not affect mood, but their energy level. You may not do so effectively, what they want to do because of lack of energy.

Well, guess what. Life is too short and precious to waste even one day of sadness and depression. If you suffer from seasonal depression disorder, you may find the following suggestions may help.

Before Take sad some lights. Experts believe that exposure to light morehelps improve the mood of the people suffer the winter blues. SAD lamps are devices specially designed to simulate the brightness of natural sunlight, but without side effects.

Second Avoid Caffeine and alcohol. Caffeine may help to emphasize the feelings of anxiety and gastrointestinal system problems. Alcohol can cause mood swings worse, not what you want when you are at risk of or already SAD sufferers.

Third Flight in Winter -literally. If you can, away for a few weeks or months in a warmer climate, where it is much natural light. A holiday beach somewhere with a temperate climate will do wonders when it comes to eliminating SAD symptoms.

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