Monday, August 30, 2010

A holistic approach to a healthy and safe Sun Tan!

It 'that time of year, shorts and t-shirts, beach barbecues, but it is actually my favorite because I can get in as much sun. I like to bask in the sun, absorbing the rays and get a tan, after a long winter and sad. Many of us see the damage caused by excessive sun exposure to make our skin. I am here to share with you not only get my health advice, but a great tan to protect your skin, too. Keep the water flowing you know, we all know thatWater is essential. But since many people drink coffee, alcohol, soft drinks and artificial, man, that we drink real dry. The cells need water for cellular function and excretion of toxins. When we drink than water, our cells lose their integrity and, indeed vulnerable, especially if you drink alcohol a lot. Beer, for example, is a strong diuretic and draws water from the skin so that it is not protected from direct sunlight. Stay wellhydrated at all times and drink plenty of water when you are alone. The general rule is half your body weight in ounces of water, but some tend to need more if they are too long in the sun.

Eating these fats: why, ask yourself, eating healthy fats is good way to protect your skin from the sun? The cells in our body are made of saturated fatty acids, which are their physical integrity. Think like a balloon in saturated fatty acids. Raw fats such as butter, olive oil,Coconut oil, lard or have a great natural antioxidants, which protects us from free radicals. The standard diet is made up of people, polyunsaturated oils that the body is not only free radicals that destroy our cells, but the acceleration of the aging process of flooding. The sun's rays and polyunsaturated fatty acids is a poisonous cocktail for the skin wrinkled and the high risk of cancer in cancer. Eating these fats to start protecting your skin.

Antioxidant stocks: if Iwas in the restaurant, it was necessary to always have a backup of everything so it does not leak. Supply of ingredients were there to cover the possibility of running during dinner. We should look as antioxidants, as well. Our bodies are always the creation of free radicals, but we are replacing and protect from a backup of antioxidants? For most this is not the case. The sun produces significant damage from free radicals on the skin when exposedtoo long. Therefore, you must also have a constant supply in an emergency. A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, enzymes and thiols plus. Vitamin antioxidants such as vitamin A, beta carotene, vitamin C and vitamin E are powerful antioxidants to neutralize free radicals great. They must work in harmony to help each other to regenerate. Vitamin C regenerates vitamin E and vice versa. The ALA is constantly renewing antioxidantsrenewed without them. Flavonoids may help in fruits, vegetables and herbs to help with this. Stocks are now so you do not run only in emergencies.

I Wear My Sunglasses at Night Corey Hart song "Sunglasses at Night" is probably the best advice he has given us actually wear them when the sun is out. UV radiation of the sun is very important for normal cell division without cell growth can lead to cancer. Sunglasses andUV-reflective glasses are responsible for specific eye diseases and skin damage. The optic nerve under sunlight, producing melanocytes, which in turn produces melanin. Melanin is the pigment that gives you a tan and protects against sunburn. Wear sunglasses disturbs this process. Instead of melanin to protect skin thinks it's dark outside the pituitary gland and reduces hormone melanocyte-simulation. So our skin is less protected, because they produceenough melanin to protect us from sunburn. Go South or Central America, for example, be difficult to find anyone wearing sunglasses and have the most beautiful skin of skin cancer, dark and minimal. Our grandparents just wore big hats to protect their eyes, then we should. Leave your sunglasses at home.

Would you like to drink, sun cream?: And why would on your skin? In reality it is probably safer because it would swallow your digestive system filteredpoison. Rub the skin of these carcinogens dumps right into the circulatory system, liver, kidneys, heart and brain overload. My favorite sunscreen is coconut oil. Yes, coconut oil. Coconut oil should be consumed and used topically on the skin, helps our bodies absorb other nutrients more than good, such as vitamin E, another powerful antioxidant nutrient that protects the skin. To visit the Philippines or Thailand and you will see thatCoconut is a staple not only in their diet, but use the oil on the skin. You have to get virtually no signs of skin cancer and skin beautiful. The people of the Mediterranean and Roman oils such as olive oil and other essential oils to protect their skin and costly. The sunscreen is a deal worth several billion dollars by selling us the ideas that protect us from direct sunlight, or die of skin cancer, which is a lie !!!!! flat The sun heals cancerIt is our natural healer. We just need to know how can we protect ourselves naturally.

So if you want to get a dark tan and protect your skin, follow these simple steps:

• Drink plenty of water. (Do not use alcohol, coffee or soft drinks.)

• eat plenty of healthy fats (coconut oil, olive oil, butter and lard Roh.) Avoid all processed oils.

• Drink plenty of antioxidants of all organic foods and nutraceuticalsIndemnity.

• Apply a generous amount of coconut oil on your skin soak up the sun before and after stations. You can with an essential oil like lavender oil to relieve the skin and cools it before going to bed.

• Avoid wears sunglasses.

• Only the layout for an hour longer. The sun is strongest between 11.00 ea 15.00 clock. Posing for an hour at a time, 2-3 times per week will contribute to a tan. Imagine painting a car, and you need to let each layer dryto obtain before applying the next layer on the surface of beauty. You must do the same to get a tan.

• Everyone has different skin types, some are more sensitive than others. Those who should be sensitive to sunlight and to wear light clothing and limit their exposure to the sun for a limited time, until you buy the proper tan.

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